Original Artworks
01/ Reach Out
Let us know how far along you are in your process, where you see yourself heading, and what moves you & inspires your art.
This will help us form our agreement based on your dynamics.
We're looking to grow together, and aid you in whatever stage you may be in.
02/ Lemonade Calls for Lemons
Submit your artwork portfolio, design concepts, event proposals & collaborative requests to:
Unfinished concepts or drafts are welcome.
We're in this together and happy to lend a hand in any creative direction!
03/ Share
Once we give you our release schedule, its time to adopt an approach and PROMOTE!
Show The People what you have been cooking up.
There is a meaning behind every artistic creation, and we think the world should see what its been missing out on!
Our Impact Method (I.M.) will ensure you reach new heights.
04/ Check-In!
As things ramp up, we want to make sure you stay in the loop on what we're doing, so you can catch our next wave. Whether you decide to continue growing with us or move-on individually, we'll always show love.
You're always welcome!